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Evita Tidmane

Evita Tidmane My name is Evita Tidmane, and for more than six years, my goal has been to raise people’s awareness about their health and physical bodies. According to the World Health Organization, 50% of our health is determined by our lifestyle. Currently, more than ever, health prevention has become the main tool for achieving a quality life free from chronic diseases.

I am a certified nutritionist and create personalized body detoxification and rejuvenation programs, as well as lead various group detoxification projects such as “Detox Challenge,” “Five-Step Lymphatic System Cleanse,” “Shed the Excess,” “Liver Health Month,” and others.

In 2019, I completed a nutrition course at Riga Stradins University and have since continued to enhance my knowledge of nutrition, dietary supplements, and detoxification programs with various specialists. In 2023, I began training at the “InBreath Institute” (Germany) and am studying to become a breathwork therapist.

Based on specific issues, I offer my clients various anti-inflammatory dietary protocols that, together with detoxification programs, provide excellent results.

Over the years, I have consulted more than 2,000 clients who have experienced various health improvements. The most frequently mentioned positive changes among my clients include improved digestion, increased energy levels, improved skin condition, reduced stress levels, weight correction, improved blood test results, and more.

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