My Life Story

The morning of May 9, 2018. Outside, a beautiful day is beginning. This autumn marks exactly five years since I joined Coral Club. These four invaluable years have completely changed my life. Information, opportunities, and real results – everything I had been waiting for my entire life.
I am now 40 years old (2025) and have been a person with special needs since birth. My medical diagnosis is cerebral palsy. At birth, there was a hemorrhage in my brain, depriving it of oxygen for several minutes.
Throughout my childhood, almost until the age of nine, I spent most of my time in hospitals, sanatoriums, and similar facilities. This intensive “residence” in sanatoriums lasted until I was around 20 years old.
Of course, I will be forever grateful to my mother. Firstly, for not abandoning me, despite doctors strongly advising her to do so, claiming that I would be mentally disabled and incapable of leading a full life. Secondly, for fighting for me and striving to improve my health.
It’s impossible to describe in words everything I went through and the countless procedures performed on me in medical institutions. I know my mother wanted and still wants the best for me. However, looking back now, with my current understanding of nutrition science and how the body functions, I realize that most of those procedures were either ineffective, temporary, or even harmful. Moreover, the lack of knowledge among medical professionals led them to act by the book without understanding the broader picture. To be honest, the fault for my condition partially lies with them.
The First Significant Step in Improving My Health

1993. Before being put in a cast.
One thing I acknowledge and am grateful for is that when I was nine, my mother took me to Yevpatoria, Ukraine. There, a brilliant doctor practiced gradual casting – a method not officially recognized at the time. Thanks to this doctor, my health improved significantly, and I was even able to walk with crutches.
During being put in a cast.
For several years, we visited for gradual casting annually. At that time, I had to do a lot on my own – intensive physical therapy, self-development, etc. However, as a child, I didn’t fully understand the seriousness of the situation and lacked the motivation to put in the effort. I regret this deeply now because I realize that if I had taken it seriously, I might be walking independently today or, at the very least, with crutches.
There were moments back then when I could even “run” short distances without crutches. Of course, I tried to engage in physical therapy and follow instructions, but I lacked that “spark” to strive for something or someone, and I was lazy about regular practice.
1993, Yevpatoria. After the first time being put in a cast.
In later years, the casting treatments worsened my condition. Unfortunately, the doctor passed away, and the procedures were carried out by his assistant (his wife). Something must have been done incorrectly, as my leg condition deteriorated. Nevertheless, I consider that period the best in terms of health improvement. The results were visible and provided lasting, irreversible benefits.
By the time I was 18–20 years old, I was already trying to avoid any sanatoriums or other medical institutions. To be honest, I was so fed up with all the doctors and the like, they were like parasites to me. I had gone through so many doctors that I stopped respecting them a long time ago, except for the ones in Coral Club, who truly understand the essence of health.
The title of “doctor” must be earned, and not everyone deserves it. There’s a huge difference between a “doctor” and a “physician.” True doctors are rare in this world.
This may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. I genuinely regret that most doctors work to address the consequences of issues rather than their root causes. However, I believe that the day will come when all doctors will focus on addressing root causes and view the body as a whole rather than treating it as a collection of separate parts.
Taking Initiative
From around 18 to 19 years old, I started exercising daily at home. This marked a new chapter in my life. I engaged in intensive and persistent gymnastics for 9 to 11 years without missing a single day. At the time, I had no other choice but to work out at home with just an ab bench and dumbbells.
If someone were to ask me, “How did you manage to stay so disciplined for so many years?” my answer is simple: love. Love is the driving force in life – the “spark” I lacked earlier when I needed to give my all to physical therapy and self-improvement.
Yes, at the age of 22, I fell in love with an amazing girl. I will always be grateful to her for being a part of my life. Without her, I wouldn’t have become the person I am today or achieved the health improvements I have.
The power of love is incomparable – like burning embers pushing you forward despite any obstacles!
The results of those 9-11 years of gymnastics didn’t come easily or quickly. However, one visible achievement, from an outsider’s perspective, was my ability to hold scissors in my left hand and cut the nails on my right hand after several years of consistent effort. Initially, my left hand was in much worse condition than it is now.
Looking back at different phases of my life, I realize that something was always missing at each stage – resources or opportunities that could have led to even better results.
A Turning Point in Life
The turning point came at the age of 27, in the fall of 2013. My journey to improved health began, and my story of achievements is available here.
The Health Concept is based on long-known natural laws that people were aware of and followed, consciously or unconsciously, thousands of years ago.
Coral Club is home to many wise DOCTORS who contributed to the Health Concept system. The entire “Health Concept” and its products represent the hard work of numerous scientists and doctors from around the world.
Here, I found not only my calling but also the place where I took control of my health! The health improvements I achieved were record-breaking compared to my previous 27 years of life.
Of course, I’m constantly working on improving my health, as it’s not easy to “erase” the effects of countless medications I was given since childhood.
Over the years, I rarely get sick. Even when I catch a cold, it lasts only 2-3 days and is much milder than what most people experience. For me, things like colds, headaches, fatigue, lack of energy, and many other common issues are practically non-existent.
Regarding my diagnosis, my biggest challenge is spasticity. While there are good and bad days, without the Health Concept and the knowledge I’ve gained, I wouldn’t have achieved the results I have today. I continue to work on this issue, as my ultimate goal is to eliminate spasticity entirely.
Misunderstanding, resistance, rejection, and ridicule are common obstacles faced not only by me but by many others who have found this path. In my opinion, it’s the most painful when you see loved ones struggling with severe health issues, yet you cannot help due to their stubbornness or unwillingness to listen.
Loved ones fade before your eyes, and all you can do is watch.
I believe the knowledge of the Health Concept is meant for select, open-minded, and enlightened individuals ready for new and profound insights. After all, nature always maintains balance.
In conclusion, I wish everyone to believe in the other side of reality – one we often ignore or refuse to see. May you become brave, persistent, healthy, and happy!
Juris Serjaga