Chronic stress as a cause of diseases

We live in an era where everyone is under stress, adults and children alike. Our daily stress is in every step, we can say we live in a chronic stress or cortisol era. Unfortunately, persistent or chronic stress causes not only nerve stress, but also causes great damage to our organs and organism as a whole.
What is stress?
By its very nature, stress is a normal protective reaction of the body, an alarm that mobilizes the organism to fight, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, muscle stress. In times of danger, stress can save your life or mobilize your body’s capabilities for specific actions, such as starting in sport or speaking in front of an audience.
How does stress work?
To overcome the stress and restore the body’s homeostasis, the sympathetic nervous system that mobilizes the body to fight, and the adrenal releases the so-called stress hormones: noradrenaline and adrenaline are stepping up. It is also activated on the hypothalamus-hypophysis overhead axis, which releases the hormone cortisol. These are important survival hormones and are crucial to adapt to stress. Chronic stress causes excessive stimulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and cortisol secretion.
Studies show that nearly every body system can be affected by chronic stress. If stress persists after the initial fight response, the body reaction enters the second phase. At this stage, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system is decreasing and adrenaline secretion has decreased, while corticosteroid secretion continues above normal levels and interferes with the functioning of the immune system. The longer the stress, the more changes are taking place in our immune system.
Stress hormone — Cortisol
Cortisol — A steroid hormone produced in adrenals helps keep us alive and keeps our body homestead.
Cortisol helps to regulate:
- blood pressure;
- activation of metabolism;
- immune system reactions;
- regulate various inflammation;
- heart rate;
- vascular activity;
- how the central nervous system is regulated.
Signs that cortisol is too high:
- frequent colds and sickness;
- difficulty in sleeping and sleeping properly;
- fatigue;
- accumulating excess weight, particularly in the abdominal area;
- craving unhealthy snacks;
- your head and back are hurting regularly;
- loss of sexual desire;
- problems with the digestive tract;
- anxiety;
- depression;
- fast obsolescence.
What causes stress?
Stress triggers are called stressors. Stress can be provoked by the simplest everyday things called chronic stressors:
- day-to-day problems;
- congestion;
- overload at work;
- financial problems;
- family problems;
- resentment, anger we hold on to ourselves or others.
Human life events that can lead to disease:
- the death of a spouse or close family member;
- divorce;
- imprisonment;
- trauma or illness;
- marriage;
- job loss;
- birth of a child;
- retirement.
What is chronic stress doing?
1) Exacerbates existing health problems: cardiovascular problems, skin problems, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
2) Promotes the development of bad habits: a low-moving way of life, fast foods, sweets, smoking, alcohol and drug use are habits which, sooner or later, lead to deteriorating health conditions and various diseases. For example, unhealthy eating can lead to obesity, which in turn contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension or metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases.
Alcohol, smoking, marijuana, and other drugs that supposedly count as relaxing substances increase cortisol levels. Cortisol levels are increased by excessive coffee use.
3) The function of the immune system may be impaired – in a meta-analysis of 293 independent studies, published in a revised scientific journal between 1960 and 2001, in which approximately 18,941 people participated, it is confirmed that stress altered immunity. The longer the stress lasts, the bigger changes occur in the immune system. Excessive amounts of corticosteroids cause hormone balance and weaken the functioning of the immune system.
4) Stress lowers the pH and our body RAPIDLY ACIDIFYS. Bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses easily enter acidic environments, forming inflammatory processes that ultimately manifest themselves as a disease. It is often difficult to link stress to a particular disease since the disease can occur after a half year or even later, after a stressful situation.
What diseases can chronic stress contribute to?
The balanced functioning of all organs and systems within the body is ensured by the nervous system. Stress may affect any organ system, but there are still health problems, the cause of which or one of the contributing factors is considered to be chronic stress.
Asthma, allergic reactions
There is a direct link between stress, immune dysfunction, and clinical activity in asthma, allergic diseases. Family treatment is widely used to treat childhood asthma to reduce the child’s stress rate.
Skin diseases
A lot of nerve ends are attached to the skin and that is why skin problems, such as redness, itching, acne, etc., may be affected by stress or may subsequently occur. Thus, the skin becomes a reflection of tension. Studies in the U.S. have shown that at least 30% of all dermatology patients have some basic psychological problem, which is often not addressed.
Peptic ulcer and ulcerative colitis, reflux disease, inflammatory bowel syndrome are diseases directly associated with increased stress. Excessive gastric acid causes ulcers. Anger and hostility have been shown to increase the amount of stomach acid.
Coronary heart disease
This has long been considered to be a classical psychosomatic disease since it is influenced by different psychosocial variables. Studies have found a link between life stress and heart infarction and sudden death.
An INTERHEART study found that people with a myocardial infarction confirmed the presence of four stress factors: stress at work and home, financial stress, and dramatic life events over the past year. Three main risk factors: increased cholesterol, increased blood pressure, and smoking. Stress is one of the causes of increased blood cholesterol. Emotional stress is considered to be one of the causes of increased blood pressure. Dr. Elizabeth Mostofskaya of Harvard Medical School in a study found that the first 24 hours of a relative’s loss were characterized by a stunning increase in heart-attack risk 21 times.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Studies are demonstrating that there are personalities between patients with rheumatoid arthritis and those who do not suffer from this disease. The first identified perfectionism, criticism for themselves, low self-esteem.
Headache, migraine
Stress tends to be some of the factors that cause migraine headaches. Studies have shown that stress and headache have a direct relationship.
In particular, type II diabetes is associated with stress, the most commonly observed in overweight people. Stress is often the basis for unhealthy eating, which can lead to diabetes, and stress situations immediately raise blood sugar.
Cold, flu
Frequent respiratory diseases are associated with worsening of the immune system.
Mental illness
Most commonly, chronic stress is associated with a variety of neuroses, depression, and schizophrenia.
Some studies have proven to be a traumatic experience or big loss for women with breast cancer, several years previously. Men with high levels of stress have a 3 x more chance of getting prostate cancer. Animal studies have shown a relationship between stress and increased tumor.
How to deal with stress?
- identifying your daily stressors and developing a plan to minimize them (stress management);
- change your thinking;
- eating healthily;
- regular administration of probiotics;
- exclude sugar and caffeine;
- regular use of vitamin C, Magnesium, zinc, fish oil, and vitamin B;
- regularly engage in physical activities (running, jogging, exercise, yoga, etc.);
- meditate;
- spend time in the fresh air – it normalizes the pH of the body;
- limit alcohol consumption;
- enjoy massage;
- perform acupuncture;
- working with forgiveness;
- socialize;
- relaxation;
- cleaning the body and nourish the nervous system with natural substances.
In nutriciology often the first to be worked with is stress and the ordering of the nervous system. The presence of stress in various health problems should not be underestimated. Often, without chronic stress, it is difficult to solve health problems, because the continuous nerve impulses are once, again and again, becoming a mechanism for the disease, thus creating an endless ring of dancing.
Natural substance programs for stress
Severe stress or chronic stress: Coral-Mine water 30 ml/kg weight, H- 500 antioxidant for the body’s alkaline 2-3 capsules/day, Griffonia nerve system 2 × 2.
Insomnia: Griffonia 2 capsules in the morning OR Evening Formula 2 capsules shortly before bedtime.
For nerve system support, adjustment 1-2 months: Mental Force program OR Coral-Mine 1.5-2 liters/day, lecithin 2 × 2, magnesium 1 × 3.
In children to support the nervous system and improve learning capacity: lecithin 1-2 capsules daily and/or magnesium 1-2 capsules daily and/or Griffonia 1 capsules daily.
Enhancement of cognitive function 1-2 months (short – and long-term memory, concentrative capabilities): Coral-Mine 30 ml per 1 kg weight, MindSet 3 capsules daily, Omega 3/60 2 × 2.
Natural analog of chemical antidepressants: Griffonia, use 2 × 2 or increase the dose to 2 × 3 if necessary.
It is recommended to purge the body twice a year from fungus, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Especially sensitive to the presence of parasites are children – they can become nervous and even aggressive. It is recommended that children be treated with parasites: three or four times a year.
Universal detox program for adults for 1 month:
- Coral Mine – 30 ml/kg on empty stomach;
- Silver Max – 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meal. Keep 15-20 sec in mouth before swallowing (better absorption in lymph);
- Assimilator – 1 capsule 2 times a day before meal. If you have had an unhealthy meal, take 1 capsule after meal for better food processing;
- Coral Burdock Root – 1 capsule 2 times a day at mealtime;
- Black Walnut – 2 capsules 2 times a day at mealtime;
- Garlic Extract – 1 capsule 2 times a day at mealtime.
Antiparasitic program for children – 21 day:
- Coral Mine – 30 ml/kg on empty stomach;
- Black Walnut – 1 capsules 2 times a day at mealtime;
- Garlic Extract – 1 capsule 2 times a day at mealtime;
- Papaya – 1 chewing tablets 3 times a day at mealtime. Papaya – enzyme that helps purge parasites.
The length of course is 21 -30 days, because parasites eggs live and develop within 21 days. Then follows a break of 21 days. You should repeat course 2-3 times. During breaks you should use products for immunity – Super-Flora (good bacteria), Spirulina, Yummy Vits or Colostrum Plus.
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