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Last updated on: 14.08.2024

Coral Detox

Coral Detox

Coral Detox

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The Coral Detox program – a basic set of products that designed to effectively detoxify the body, activates the body’s natural detoxification process and creates the proper conditions of the body’s regulatory mechanisms.

A person is a living system.

The internal environment of the human organism is blood, lymph and tissue fluid, which is directly responsible for delivering nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) to each cell of the human body and for removing byproducts (endotoxins).

At the same time, our organism affected by external ecological factors. Exotoxins enter our body through our skin, mucous membranes, respiratory pathways and with food.

Toxins are, in effect, poison, that either enters the body from the external environment or created inside the body.

Exotoxins Exotoxins – harmful elements of chemical and organic origin, that enter the body from the outside via polluted air and water, poor quality food, alcohol, cigarettes etc. Most common sources are through food poisoning: toxins from bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals etc.; breathing polluted air (for example in large industrial cities, at a workplace with hazardous materials, living in a geographical area that has an ecologically poor living environment, smoking, inhaling fumes from household cleaning products etc.); alcohol and drug consumption.

Endotoxins Endotoxins – harmful elements that formed inside the body through natural processes. The creation of toxins and slags happens continuously and is not manifested in everyday life. In time, endotoxins accumulate in the body and this causes various health problems: urinary tract infections, respiratory complications, cardiovascular and auto-immune deceases, obesity, allergies.

Common causes of endotoxins are: trouble with the digestive system, disbacteriosis, liver and gall-bladder disease, viral and bacterial infections, problems with kidneys, periodontitis, periodontosis, gingivitis, allergies, stress etc.

It is important to understand that 80% of toxins are water soluble (can be dissolved in water), but 20% are fat-soluble (can be dissolved in fat).

The kidneys are primarily responsible for the process of removing water-soluble toxins.

The liver is responsible for the process of removing fat-soluble toxins. The liver is the main organ for detoxification and “filters” blood of slags and toxins.

Why does this happen?


  1. First of all, fat-soluble toxins accumulated when the liver is not functioning normally. Liver dysfunction prevents the toxins from being removed from the body in a timely manner. The same goes for kidney dysfunction and water-soluble toxins.
  2. Secondly, various ecological factors play a role in the development of toxins.
  3. Thirdly, dehydration leads to accumulation of toxins. Unfortunately, too many people are not used to the regular consumption of clean and healthy water. It is important to consume enough high-quality water so that toxins can flush out of the body with urine and sweat.

We need to help our bodies by creating the right environment so that the toxins that enter our bodies can flush out. In other words, we need to work on our endoecology.

We can not completely avoid toxins, but we can try to reduce the amount of toxins that enters our body. Live in a clean environment, eat well and drink high-quality water.

The most important thing is to help our body to flush byproducts (endotoxins) and exotoxins, which lead to various health issues.

Coral Detox program

The Coral Detox program consists of Coral Lecithin, Assimilator, H-500 and Coral-Mine.

It is proven that water enriched with H-500 and Coral-Mine helps to flush up to 90% of water-soluble toxins and reduces degradation of bone tissues.

Coral-Mine –  is a natural product made of deep-sea coral used for conditioning drinking water:

  • Provides a high-quality source of water
  • Normalizes the mineral balance in the body
  • Optimizes the functioning of essential systems in the body
  • Helps to flush water-soluble toxins from the body

H-500 – a source of energy, life “fuel” for everyday

  • Increases the physical and mental capacity
  • Speeds up recovery after physical activities
  • Prevents premature aging
  • Help to neutralize toxins in the body

Assimilator (contains digestive enzymes) and the versatile supplement Coral Lecithin use to flush fat-soluble toxins from the body. Assimilator is a complex of plant-based enzymes along with vitamins A and D. It improves digestion and reduces toxin creation. Coral Lecithin protects cell membranes from toxin damage, helps to effectively neutralize and flush toxins from the body.

Assimilator includes a complex of plant-based enzymes (amylase, cellulose, papain, bromeline, lipase, lactase) that help:

  • to digest proteins, carbohydrates and fatty foods and to reduce the creation of toxins in the body
  • the absorption of proteins by digesting them to the amino acid level
  • to absorb nutrients
  • prevent bloating

Coral Lecithin – a source of natural phospholipids (lecithin)

  • Lecithin is the basis of all cell membranes, including those of the brain
  • Protects cell membranes from damage due to toxins
  • Helps to effectively neutralize and flush toxins from the body.
  • Helps to restore liver cells in case of toxicosis due to the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, medicine, junk food

How to use

«Coral-Mine» – 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight (per day). Instructions for water preparation.

«Н-500» – two capsules per day (one capsule add to Coral-Mine water and one capsule in the evening to drink shortly before sleep).

«Assimilator» – one capsule 3 times daily after meals.

«Coral Lecithin» – two capsules 2 times daily after meals.

Authors of the program

Vladimir Matveevich Podhomutnikov: Doctor of medicine, honored doctor by the Russian Federation, professor.

Olga, Valentinovna Podhomutnikova: Candidate of sciences in medicine, Docent.

Coral Club Gold Executives, creators of a unique Coral Detox program, which is based on their scientific knowledge and experience with Coral Club products.

The Coral Detox program is designed to help the body remove accumulated toxins and to help the recovery of the body’s regulatory mechanisms.

How to buy Coral Detox?

Product purchase is possible with a 20% discount.

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