Joint Pain. Causes and Solutions

Joint Pain is often perceived as an issue for older individuals, but in reality, it affects younger people as well. This trend is alarming, raising concerns about how people will maintain their health throughout their lives if they begin experiencing joint pain in their teenage years.
Statistics are even more concerning. For instance, osteoporosis—a condition involving bone degeneration and subsequent joint problems—has been documented in children as young as four years old. This indicates that something is fundamentally wrong if diseases typically associated with the elderly are now being diagnosed in young children.
The second group affected by this issue is young adults. It is increasingly common for sports doctors to advise teenagers to avoid physical activity due to joint pain. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the causes, which can vary by age. However, these causes are not so complex that we cannot identify and address them.
What is a Joint and What Can Hurt?
Blood supplies nutrients and oxygen to the joints, while waste products are removed through venous blood, filtered by the liver and kidneys, with the remaining waste processed through the lymphatic system. Our bodies have 286 joints, each supplied with a lymph node. The lymph nodes are where immune cells reside, constantly patrolling and eliminating fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
All joint pain—swelling, inflammation—is primarily related to the lymph nodes. If it is not due to injury or nutrient deficiency from wear and tear, it likely involves inflammation or swelling, indicating that something is living inside the joint. For instance, in the case of arthritis, it could be fungi or chlamydia.
Lymphocytes in the lymph nodes capture the “invader,” and the body raises the temperature to push it through the lymphatic system, causing the joint to swell and become red. The body is constantly working to eliminate something, and these processes should be approached with gratitude.
In such cases, heating and massages are often recommended, but these should be avoided. Heating or massaging can push everything back into the bloodstream, potentially spreading the inflammation throughout the body. During acute joint pain, do not massage, heat, or visit saunas.
How to Reduce Joint Pain and Restore Joint Health
Understanding the Causes of Joint Pain
Joint pain can be influenced by various factors, including weather and chronic illnesses, which often worsen in spring and autumn. This is when parasites and bacteria are most active. Regular body cleansing, especially during these seasons, can alleviate symptoms. Signs like swollen lymph nodes, knee pain, or inflammation suggest it’s time for a detox.
Supporting Joint Regeneration
Joints regenerate over time, with new cells replacing old ones every 4–5 years. However, proper conditions are essential for effective regeneration. Natural substances with antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic properties play a crucial role in cleansing the body and boosting the immune system. A thorough approach to detoxification accelerates this process, making it possible to address joint issues more effectively.
Detoxification should precede any cellular nutrition efforts to maximize effectiveness.
The Role of Infections in Joint Disorders
Autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, often stem from infections. For instance, hemolytic streptococcus can trigger an immune response, leading to inflammation and joint damage. Hormone-based medical treatments may suppress these symptoms but fail to address the root cause, sometimes creating new health issues.
Natural cleansing programs help remove infections, strengthen the immune system, and reduce autoimmune responses.
Common Joint Problems and Their Impact
Regardless of the cause—be it infection, trauma, or fungi—the body responds similarly:
- Inflammation develops.
- Synovial fluid quality declines.
- Cartilage deteriorates, leading to dryness and friction.
- Mobility decreases, and fibrous tissue may form.
By understanding these processes and using natural methods to cleanse and support the body, you can promote joint health and reduce pain.
What to Do in Acute Cases?
First, we need to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain. This can be achieved with the help of Boswellia. The main component of Boswellia is boswellic acid, which primarily works to reduce inflammation. Boswellic acid strengthens cartilage tissue, improves muscle blood circulation, suppresses inflammatory enzymes, and blocks lymphocytes from entering the synovial fluid and damaging the cartilage.
If joint inflammation is caused by fungi or bacteria, additional supplements such as Pau d’Arco bark with garlic extract and colloidal silver can be used.
For Lyme disease, which can damage joints, Cat’s Claw can be effective.
In the case of gout, Coral Mine (a daily product by default) and Alfalfa can help dissolve uric acid salts, whose deposits and the body’s acidic environment contribute to this condition.
For intervertebral disc problems, B-Luron, FlexiCor, MSM, Protivity, and Alfalfa can be beneficial.
For degenerative, destructive problems: Pau d’Arco bark, B-Luron, FlexiCor, Shark liver oil, B vitamin complex, and Alfalfa are recommended.
Joint problems can also be caused by enzyme deficiency. To address this, Chewable Papaya or Assimilator can be taken, especially on an empty stomach before meals in cases of inflammation. Enzymes help reduce inflammation as immune cells use enzymes to kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Enzymes also help remove dead tissue and waste products that accumulate in the body.
Joint Restoration
If the body and digestive tract are not regularly cleansed and alkalized with Coral-Mine, antioxidants, and enzymes that improve microcirculation, then the nutrients we consume may not reach the cartilage.
To maintain good microcirculation, the blood must be clean, which is only possible if the digestive tract is cleaned. The health concept cannot be ignored in any case!
Joints must also be moved to ensure good blood circulation, which improves the assimilation of nutrients and enhances their effectiveness.
After resolving acute conditions (when pain, swelling, and inflammation disappear), we need to restore the joint. In this case, B-Luron or FlexiCor can be used.
FlexiCor is a complex that restores cartilage tissue and joints, improves joint mobility, and reduces stiffness and pain. It is used for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, bruises, sprains, and various other injuries.
One of the main components of FlexiCor is glucosamine. Glucosamine is a structural element of cartilage that reduces pain, inflammation, and supports collagen and chondroitin synthesis, increasing synovial fluid production and improving its quality. The primary role of glucosamine is to prevent friction in the joint.
The second component of FlexiCor is chondroitin sulfate. Chondroitin sulfate, a polysaccharide and part of the proteoglycan group, is a basic element of cartilage.
The composition also includes MSM, which plays a crucial role in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, maintaining the health of joints, connective tissues, and cartilage, and participating in the formation of cell receptors, allowing nutrients to more easily penetrate tissues.
Vitamin C is involved in collagen synthesis, acts as an antioxidant that fights infection, enhances glucosamine assimilation, and suppresses infections that cause joint inflammation.
Manganese is necessary for chondroitin synthesis and accelerates cartilage tissue regeneration.
B-Luron, developed by German scientist Nils Duschek, is a preparation consisting of chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid affects specific receptors in the body located in bone tissue, connective tissues, and cartilage. This stimulates the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, promotes bone tissue formation, and improves skin condition. It is recommended to use B-Luron twice a year.
If You Recover from Any Infection (especially angina), there can be consequences. An antigen complex can form, damaging the joints, heart, and blood vessels.
Therefore, it is essential to continue the recovery process for another 3 months, using Pau d’Arco bark, Colostrum Plus, and Super Flora to fully resolve the process and prevent the return of inflammation or bacteria. This is especially important after antibiotic use, as fungi can become active in the joints post-treatment.
Colostrum is important for joint recovery as it reduces inflammation, promotes recovery processes, and restores immunity after infections.
Daily Nutrients Necessary for Joint Health:
- To maintain microcirculation: Coral-Mine with H-500 and PentoKan.
- Joints need amino acids, as connective tissues are 80% amino acids. Amino acid products: Protivity, Spirulina.
- Fatty acids are also necessary for joint health. For example, Omega 3 helps prevent joint inflammation (in combination with the previously mentioned products) and regenerates connective tissue. Fatty acid products: Omega 3TG, Lecithin.
- Antioxidants: H-500.
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