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Last updated on 10.04.2024

Prenatal +


Prenatal +

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Prenatal + is a balanced vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women. Pregnant and lactating women nutrients are required in increased amounts because they are spent not only on maintaining the health of the mother, but also on the development of the child. The same applies to those who are just planning a pregnancy to receive vitamins helps prepare the body for conception and childbearing.

Benefits of Prenatal +

  • Compensates deficiency of nutrients especially needed during pregnancy and lactation
  • Supports the health of the mother and ensures the harmonious development of the fetus
  • Helps strengthen the health of the child in the first years of life
  • Reduces the likelihood of congenital anomalies in the baby

The action of the active ingredients

Planning to become pregnant PUFA omega 3 (DHA)

This is one of the key components that ensure the health of the expectant mother and her baby. It gets through the placenta to the fetus, helping the development of its brain, nervous system and eyes. DHA helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, normalize heart function, lower “bad” cholesterol. A sufficient level of DHA in the pregnant woman’s body reduces the risk of premature birth. In the Prenatal + fish oil is present in the form of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is most valuable for the body omega 3.

Vitamin D

During pregnancy, this vitamin is especially necessary, because, without it, calcium is absorbed to a lesser extent. Its deficiency can lead to rickets, one manifestation of which is an incorrect formation of the skeleton.

Pregnancy, pregnant woman B vitamins

B vitamins ensure the proper functioning of the nervous system and take an active part in metabolic processes in the formation of the fetus. A deficiency of vitamins B9 and B12 may result in impaired formation of the neural tube of the fetus, intrauterine growth retardation, miscarriage and risk of preterm birth.

Vitamin E and Niacin

Vitamin E and Niacin is necessary for normal child development and functioning of the placenta. Help to carry the baby and prevent a possible threat of miscarriage in the early stages. They are necessary for normal development of the fetus (in particular, participate in the formation of the respiratory system of the baby). Vitamin E improves ovarian function, maintains normal hormonal balance and prevents the abortion.

Lactation Selenium and zinc

In severe lack of selenium and zinc in the pregnant woman’s body, there is a risk of having a child with congenital abnormalities (muscle weakness, hypoplasia of the spine, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, nervous disorders). A deficiency in these minerals can provoke late toxicosis, edema, anemia, and premature birth.


Iodine is important for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Insufficient intake of this element during pregnancy can lead to the formation of goiter; and subsequent changes in thyroid function in the mother and the development of thyroid disorders in the baby; so during pregnancy, it is recommended to check the thyroid gland and compensate for the lack of iodine.


DHA 200 mg (from fish oil), Biotin – 60 µg, vitamin B5 (calcium-D-Pantothenate) – 6 mg, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 5 µg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin 0,1%) – 3.5 mg, folic acid 400 µg, Niacin -15 mg, iodine – 150 µg, vitamin B6 – 1.9 mg, vitamin B2 – 1.5 mg, selenium 30 µg, vitamin B1 – 1.2 mg, vitamin E (D-a-tocopherol) – 13 mg, zinc (oxide) to 2.25 mg.

How to use

Take 1 Prenatal + capsule 1 time a day during meals.

How to buy Prenatal +?

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