Information for reflection
Why Are Biologically Active Food Supplements Necessary?
I have asked myself the question—how many years have we been lacking these substances? The answer is a deadly number—more than 100 years! This means that deficient mothers (those lacking nutrients) give birth to deficient children, and these deficient children, when they become adults, also give birth to deficient children.
Why do we age?
The aging process in our bodies begins around the age of 25. By the time we reach 40, 50, or 60 years old, our face and body start to look different. Why does this happen? What explains it, and can it be prevented?
Every Fifth Person in the World Is Infected with Parasites
According to data from the World Health Organization, 19.5% of the world’s population (1.5 billion people) is infected with parasites. This means that one in every five people globally is affected.
Why you should avoid using antiperspirants deodorants?
Sweating is a natural process of the body, but every day it causes confusing moments for many. People are used to preventing this process by using various options
7 stages of contamination of the body
During life, a person goes through seven stages of contamination of the body (of course, only if a person at any of the stages does not do anything to stop and improve the process), acquiring its own diseases.