Coral Artichoke
Coral Artichoke
The effect of liver on body is truly all-encompassing. There is not a single digestive, metabolic or blood circulatory process that liver is not involved in. But its first and foremost function is that of our own personal detoxication organ. Even a healthy liver will sometimes have a minor failure having been exhausted by the excessive flow of toxins through it. The result of such minor failures is various medical conditions, including such serious ones as hepatitis, fat steatosis and cirrhosis. Coral Artichoke is an ideal liver helper. The product contains famous natural liver protects (artichoke and thistle) as well as a number of active components (dandelion, betaine, crushed coral).
Benefits of Coral Artichoke
Coral Artichoke has a beneficial effect on the liver and health in general:
- it stimulates bile production and excretion;
- reduces fat and lipid draining in the liver;
- removes toxins from the body;
- produces soft diuretic effect;
- normalizes metabolism;
- improves skin condition.
The action of the active ingredients
Artichoke is a valuable dietary product that has a pleasant nutty flavour. It’s the favourite vegetable of Italian gourmets that use it extensively to make various sauces or self-made delicacies. However, artichoke’s main selling point is its liver protection effect. Active ingredients it contains such as caffeic acid, silymarin, flavonoids, have a cleansing and choleretic effect. They reduce the level of cholinesterase which cuts liver’s lipid output, resulting in a revitalising effect on it. In addition, artichoke speeds up the discharge of excessive liquid and various nitrogen compounds from liver. Providing body with various nutrients such as protein, vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, carotene and a host of minerals,
artichoke keeps the skin in mint condition.
Coral powder is a natural sorbent that absorbs toxins and stimulates their excretion from body.
Milk thistle
Milk thistle has long been recommended to people with various liver disorders as an effective means of combating their consequences. Specialists recommend milk thistle extract as a preventive treatment for regions with damaged environments. The plant stimulates the formation of bile, the secretion and motor functions of the digestive tract, improves the protective properties of liver in the event of infections and poisoning (including chlorine, radiation, medication poisoning as well as poisoning with such dangerous mushrooms as agaric fly and pale toadstool.
Dandelion is very popular in Europe. The bitter substances contained in it whet appetite and improve digestion. They have a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect. Dandelion extract is one of the most valuable tonics. It is of great benefit to people suffering from increased acidity as it normalises the pH balance in the body.
Betaine is a lipotropic substance of herbal origin. It normalises the lipid metabolism in liver, the level of triglycerides in blood, participates in metabolic processes, helps generate energy. This substance also has a chologenic and choleretic effect, normalises the PH balance inside stomach and improves the function of digestive system.
Artichoke extract, Betaine Hydrochloride, Milk Thistle extract, Dandelion root extract, other ingredients.
How to use
Take one capsule three times a day on an empty stomach. Can be prepared and drunk as warm tea (do not use boiling water) the two capsules on teacup.
How to buy Coral Artichoke?
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