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Last updated on 30.06.2024

Folic Acid

Folic Acid

Folic Acid

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This product is a natural source of folic acid which is necessary for blood and neuron cell synthesis, DNA and RNA reproduction. Vitamin B9 is also necessary for normal development of embryo tissues during pregnancy.

In 1941, folic acid (Vitamin B9) was extracted from green leaves of spinach and parsley, this is where its name comes from (from lat. folium – ‘leave’). 90 % of this vitamin degrades during cooking of products containing this vitamin, this is why every other woman nowadays has folic acid deficiency. This deficiency is much stronger in a woman taking hormonal preparations and alcohol. The situation can be improved by filling the vitamin deficiency with the help of bioadditive Folic Acid.

Benefits of Folic Acid

  • It regulates blood cholesterol levels.
  • Has a positive effect on bowel functioning.
  • This supplement is essential for producing new cells (of skin, hair, blood, etc.)
  • Boosts the immune system and promotes the formation of white blood cells.
  • Has a positive effect on the function of the central nervous system: improves mood, helps prevent depression and sleep disorders.

The action of the active ingredients

Folic Acid deficiency disturbs the work of blood anticoagulative systems which can lead to an increase of thrombogenesis. Folic acid restores nerve tissue structure and plays an important role in adrenaline formation.

Vitamin B9 prevents prenatal fetus anomalies. During pregnancy, it takes part in formation of nerve system of fetus, its placenta; it is necessary for cell division, growth and development of all organs and tissues. It is useful during breast feeding and for postpartum depression relief.

Along with Vitamin B12, folic acid takes part in the regulation of hematogenesis processes, hemoglobin synthesis, and is an irreplaceable component for reproduction of red corpuscles – erythrocytes, white corpuscles – leucocytes. Thus, it prevents the development of anemias of different aetiology.

In addition, folic acid increases mental and physical efficiency, plays an important role in the prevention of a buildup of plaque and cardiovascular diseases connected with it. Due to its effect, wholesome shifts in blood lipids occur and cholesterol content is reduced in blood serum.

Vitamin В9 increases clinical effect during psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis treatment. Applied together with Vitamin В12, it contributes to annealing of skin pigmentation caused by vitiligo, it also helps in acne (comedones).


Folic Acid 400 mkg, other ingredients.

How to use

Take one tablet two times a day.

How to buy Folic Acid?

Product purchase is possible with a 20% discount.

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