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Last updated on: 11.12.2024

Why Are Biologically Active Food Supplements Necessary?

Biologically Active Food Supplements

Excerpt from an interview with Vladimir Dadali, head of the Department of Biochemistry at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, member of the Baltic Academy, member of the International Society of Micronutrition in the USA, and Honorary Chairman of the Scientific Society of Natural Medicine, titled “Why Are Biologically Active Food Supplements Necessary?”

“Biologically active food supplements are concentrated plant-based micronutrients produced using the most advanced modern technologies. What are micronutrients? These are substances that the body needs daily in small doses, but WITHOUT these substances, the body can hardly grow, develop, or maintain health.

Our food (due to the chemicalization of the food industry, the use of chemicals in the growth process, and soil depletion) unfortunately contains several times fewer biologically active substances than what is necessary for a healthy body. This fact is now recognized worldwide—modern food, unfortunately, does not provide people with all they need, and the only solution is to use biologically active supplements. These supplements, in addition to vitamins and microelements, also include 24 classes of substances that the body expects but are absent in modern food. However, these substances affect the entire body. The production of these substances follows the strictest technology.

I have asked myself the question—how many years have we been lacking these substances? The answer is a deadly number—more than 100 years! This means that deficient mothers (those lacking nutrients) give birth to deficient children, and these deficient children, when they become adults, also give birth to deficient children. As a result, more than 100 years means more than 5 generations!

Vladimir Dadali What everyone needs initially are vitamin-mineral complexes. This is where one should start. These substances are involved in all metabolic processes, and as such, they are necessary EVERY DAY just like food! It is absolutely MANDATORY! They affect the renewal of the body, fertility, and the creation of healthy and normal children. Unfortunately, without these substances, the body cannot function normally.

And of course, there are specific groups of people for whom these substances are particularly important: the elderly, pregnant women (whom doctors often try to avoid supplementing for fear of complications), and of course, children. Another special category is athletes, who are subjected to extreme physical stress and, unfortunately, many cases of death due to bodily exhaustion are observed.”



  • Naturopath and health consultant with over 3 years of experience. Providing consultations in Latvian and English.

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