Youth and beauty

Cosmetic Classification
Cosmetics are categorized by an international classification system that divides them into standard cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. While standard cosmetics are applied externally to the face and body, cosmeceuticals have pharmacological properties and work at a deeper level.

Serotonin – The "Happiness Hormone"
Serotonin, the happiness hormone, and melatonin, the sleep hormone, hold significant roles in the human body.

Sulfur - a source of beauty and health
Sulfur has been known to humans since ancient times. It was part of the incense used by ancient Greek priests to fumigate temples during sacred rituals.
Sun-kissed, beautiful and healthy in SUMMER (liver problems)
In spring, along with bird songs, people slowly begin to take off their winter clothes. Everyone loves the warm spring air. Especially men are happy about it, because women are starting to look so charming…