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Last updated on: 05.01.2025

Heavy Metal Detox at Home

Heavy Metal Detox at Home

Many people are unaware that, despite living a healthy lifestyle, heavy metal accumulation in the body can lead to persistent symptoms like allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, headaches, skin issues, hair loss, eczema, thyroid problems, infertility, sleep disturbances, and more.

Over the past 25 years, observations show that nearly everyone has some degree of heavy metal buildup in their body. If medical tests indicate you’re healthy but symptoms persist, it’s worth checking for heavy metal toxicity.

Did you know the average adult consumes 30-50 mg of aluminum daily?

Glass with water Unfortunately, it’s not just aluminum—other heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, antimony, and thallium often enter our bodies through food and water. In Latvia, nearly all tap water contains some level of heavy metals.

Heavy metals can cause various diseases, whose effects we feel daily without realizing they are caused by these accumulated toxins.

Have you considered that allergies, autoimmune diseases, headaches, eczema, psoriasis, brain function issues, infertility, vision problems, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, and other health issues could result from heavy metal buildup?

Heavy metals enter plant and animal organisms (thus into our food), water, and air. Even cosmetics, especially hair dyes, contain heavy metals that can poison our bodies. As the environment becomes more polluted, the number of people suffering from various symptoms increases.

Did you know that fish oil capsules from unreliable sources often contain mercury, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cause internal harm to a fetus during pregnancy? Nearly 80% of omega-3 and fish oil capsules are contaminated.

Omega Even though contamination levels are often within allowable limits, heavy metals accumulate in the body and can remain for hundreds of years. Does your fish oil brand have a heavy metal-free certification?

How Heavy Metals Affect the Body

Heavy metals displace essential micronutrients from the body, such as selenium, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, and magnesium, creating free radicals. This overload of metals hinders many enzyme reactions, potentially leading to diseases. Heavy metals accumulate in the body, and their elimination process is slow—many people may take a lifetime to detoxify unless they receive support.

What’s the Link Between Candida and Heavy Metals?

candida The detoxification of heavy metals is a slow process, and the body attempts to bind them and convert them into organic compounds. For this purpose, the body uses fungi, bacteria, and viruses. The immune system often “allows” Candida and other pathogens to proliferate excessively in order to bind heavy metals, especially mercury. This temporarily gives cells a chance to breathe, but Candida disrupts gut flora, drains nutrients, and releases toxic substances, which can lead to new illnesses.

When Candida is diagnosed, treatment should begin with heavy metal detoxification. If not, treatment may be ineffective and often leads to relapse. Some experts believe that heavy metal buildup can also contribute to the proliferation of HPV or Epstein-Barr virus.

How to Eliminate Heavy Metals?

The internet offers many methods for heavy metal detox, but few are truly effective. Many methods simply release heavy metals without fully eliminating them from the body. Detoxification can take weeks or even months. It’s important not only to focus on the metals but also to support detoxification organs and reduce side effects caused by the released heavy metals. Therefore, it’s recommended to follow a comprehensive detox program with multiple components.

Heavy Metal Detox Program

Week 1:

Prepare the body for heavy metal elimination by supplementing with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.

  • Coral Detox Plus (1 pack)
  • ActiVin 2×1 (1 pack)
  • Iron 2×1 per day (1 pack)

Week 2:

Continue with the above supplements and add the following until they are finished:

  • Chlorella tablets 3×2 or 2×3 (1 pack)
  • Spirulina tablets 3×2 or 2×3 (1 pack)
  • Magnesium 10 mg per kg body weight daily (Coral Magnesium) (2-3 packs)
  • Lapacho tea 1 cup per day
  • Paud’arco Selenium 2×1 (1 pack)
  • Coriander tincture 2-3×10-15 drops daily or consume 100ml of fresh chopped coriander leaves and stems daily. Add tincture to Lapacho tea or 100% fruit juice just before meals, 30 minutes after taking chlorella.
  • Coral Burdock 3×1 or 1 in the morning, 2 in the evening (1 pack) or, if prone to constipation, replace with Lax-Max, 2×2 (1 pack)
  • FanDetox 1 packet/day dissolved in warm water in the evening (10 packets)
  • LymFlow 3×1 (1 pack)

Helpful Tips:

  • It’s recommended to continue taking magnesium, algae, and coriander extract for another month.
  • If coriander extract is unavailable, you can prepare it yourself.
  • If you have fatty liver or excess weight, use a 30-day FanDetox pack instead of the 10-day one.
  • During the detox, avoid canned foods, processed items, and focus on consuming fresh vegetables and homemade meals.

Heavy Metal Detox Is Not Recommended:

  • During pregnancy
  • While breastfeeding
  • For children
  • In cases of acute illness that require medical treatment
  • For patients in critical, weak, or helpless conditions
  • During chemotherapy and for 6 months afterward
  • During menstruation (it’s recommended to begin the detox in the first week after menstruation starts)

The information gathered in the article is based on the materials of naturopath Antal Vali.

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If you would like advice on the purchase or use of the products, please contact one of the health advisors.



  • Naturopath and health consultant with over 3 years of experience. Providing consultations in Latvian and English.

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