Health Concept

The HEALTH CONCEPT is based on well known, but in the “modern age” forgotten laws of nature, which people observed for thousands of years. The health concept allows people to get to know themselves anew, learn to take care of themselves, about their bodies and focus on a healthy lifestyle.
Each person consists of 12 organ systems: musculoskeletal system, immune system, central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, etc. In turn, each of these systems consists of individual organs, each organ – from tissues, and tissues – from cells. Unfortunately, most doctors work at the level of organs and organ systems, but nutriciology sees a person as a single, indivisible system as a whole and what it needs at the cellular level.
Human regeneration takes place every day, as hundreds of billions of cells dies and are born. But for these regeneration processes to take place qualitatively and for us to be healthy, we need to pay attention to the physiological needs of the cells.
Our body is like an aquarium made up of 70% water, and our cells float in that water. Everything that this cell can absorb must be dissolved in water. But most importantly, it is the oxygen and nutrients that need to get into the cell. Also, the cell must remove from itself all the waste products that are generated as a result of life activity, including carbon dioxide, because our cell breathes as well.
Physiological needs of cells
There are 4 reasons of which cell can die:
- Dehydration (in the absence of water);
- Exhaustion or starvation (if there is no food);
- Intoxication (in the absence of purification);
- And if there is no protection, then it does not matter what we fed the cell, because the aquarium will break.
And the cell will die if all these 4 bullet points will happen at the same time!
The importance of water in our lives is very huge, because all metabolic processes in the body take place only thanks to water. Blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, saliva, sweat, stomach juice, bile, urine – it’s all water with dissolved mineral salts. Only water, the structure of which is close to the intracellular structure, can water every cell of the body and stabilize all the activities of physiological processes. And such water must meet two parameters: quantity and quality. The amount of water, or the physiological standard of consumption, is 30-40 ml per kilogram of body mass per day.
The water quality criteria must be as follows:
- Clean water;
- Easily mineralized with organic micro-macro elements;
- Live water;
- Structured water;
- The water must have a low surface tension;
- Slightly alkaline.
As a matter fact, only a few knows that most of the valuable nutrients we eat are eaten by our own parasites. According to official data from the WHO (World Health Organization at the United Nations), 90-95% of the world’s population is infected with various types of parasites, which causes the premature death of 15-16 million people every year. And it does not matter what the economic situation of the country is or a person’s financial well-being – this problem affects everyone!
It’s very easy to get infected with parasites – they’re in the dust we breathe, they’re in the sand of a children’s playground, where cats and dogs leave their “business cards”, they’re on poorly washed fruits and vegetables, they’re in the water – they’re everywhere.
Dr. Bryan Carpenter writes: “We need to clean the intestinal tract regularly to avoid poisoning. 95% of the water consumed by the body is assimilated in the colon. Toxic compounds are absorbed from the contaminated intestinal tract together with water. Toxins block enzymes without which no cell can function properly. 90% of diseases start in the intestinal tract. In fact, it is the toxins that cause the disease. They also make it difficult to recover by disrupting the proper metabolism at the cellular level. ”
Many doctors and specialists believe that it is inefficient and even harmful to carry out treatment and strengthening the body (massages, acupuncture, lymphatic drainage, etc.) without prior complex cleansing of the body, because it only pushes the disease and harmful substances deeper into the body’s cells.
Therefore, regular body cleansing with natural substances is the second step of the Health Concept, which we introduce in our daily lives to keep our aquarium clean.
Cell nutrition
The third step in the health concept is to feed the body’s cells. Our daily task is to provide the cells with the nutrients that will help the cells to recover, fully regenerate and function normally. And here it should be mentioned that everything in our body can be regenerated. All organs, bones, connective tissue, blood, etc. fully recovers after a certain period of time. But for all this to happen qualitatively it is necessary to provide our cells with all the necessary nutrients and follow all the steps of the health concept.
So what does our cells eat?
The cell needs:
- 28 amino acids (of which 7 are essential);
- 12 vitamins;
- 15 minerals;
- 3 unsaturated fatty acids;
- Group 7 enzymes;
- Oxygen;
- Antioxidants;
- Live water;
- Lots of energy.
And all of this our cells needs every day!
It is no less important to protect your body from the harmful effects of the environment, because everything enters our body through the airways and skin. Therefore, we have to think about the products we use to clean our teeth, use on our body, with what we wash our laundry or clean our home. In order to protect yourself and the environment, it is useful to replace all your household chemicals with ecological household cleaners.
It is also desirable to protect yourself and others from electromagnetic radiation as much as possible. It has been proven that the body instantly acidifies and the blood collects in the cells, immediately after talking on the phone, which has no protection from electromagnetic radiation.
Our cell wish to eat and drink every day. And the cell / organism gets polluted every day. The mechanism of work of a cell or the conditions of how a living cell functions are the same for everyone. Thanks to the health concept and product range of Coral Club, we can provide a favorable endoecology for our cells, so that we have healthy cells, well-being, a fulfilling daily life, joy for life, joy for old age, so that we have the energy to realize in this world. The health concept is a long-term measure – a way of life, prevention and a way to survive in today’s conditions. The rest of the body will do everything by itself if we provide it with everything it needs.
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- Clicking this link, you confirm your desire to join Coral Club in Aiga Finstere’s structure, who becomes your consultant/sponsor;
- By clicking on this link, you confirm your desire to receive information about the company’s products, the concept of health of its application and the principles of the company’s work in English.
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