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Last updated on: 04.10.2024

Fertility and healthy pregnancy

Fertility and healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in a woman’s life. This phase is extremely significant for every couple. However, couples often do not think about how healthy and developed their baby will be when born, which impacts the child’s entire future.

This topic is very relevant because often, pregnancies are unplanned, and women do not consider their health status. The common belief is, “If I feel fine now, then nothing should prevent me from carrying a baby“, but women may not realize that pregnancy puts a significant strain on their nervous and endocrine systems, and doubles the load on the kidneys, liver, and the entire body. If a woman’s body is not healthy, many problems may arise during pregnancy.

woman pregnant Currently, research shows that 15%-20% of women worldwide face problems with conceiving, carrying a pregnancy, and infertility.

Medical data indicates that couples often plan conception too late. This raises the question of when to start planning for a baby. It is specifically advised to begin planning a year before conception, involving regular sex at least four times a week. If nothing happens, it’s time to consider what’s happening with the body.

There is often talk about “planning too late.From a naturopath perspective, pregnancy cannot be planned too late; there are no age restrictions, but there are health condition restrictions. It is proven that all genetic or chronic conditions of the parents, regardless of age, can be passed on to the children. The older the body, the more contaminated it is unless it has been well cared for. However, if a person starts cleansing and nourishing themselves, they become younger and healthier. For example, menopause in women and andropause in men can be delayed. Women’s menstrual cycles and all body functions can be restored. So, the body can rejuvenate at any age if we create favorable conditions for it.

Preparing the Body for Pregnancy

It is recommended that a woman prepares her body at least six months before pregnancy. First and foremost, the body needs to be cleansed because if it is full of parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, or dormant infections, these can manifest with severe consequences for the baby during pregnancy.

Another step before pregnancy is to ensure a clean environment for the baby, which means organizing all excretory systems. This involves cleansing the digestive tract, liver, and kidneys. For these purposes, one can choose programs like “Healthy Gut” and products like Alfalfa and Artichoke. Artichoke supports and cleanses the liver, while Alfalfa supports the kidneys. These products can also be safely used during pregnancy to support the excretory systems, providing the mother and baby with essential minerals and vitamins.

Shortly before conception, it is recommended that both parents undergo a deep body cleansing program like Colo-Vada Plus. In the Coral Club, approximately 20,000 couples diagnosed with infertility have conceived naturally after such a cleansing.

Health Conditions During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Toxicosis

It is widely accepted today that pregnancy toxicosis, nausea, vomiting, swelling, and acne are normal pregnancy occurrences. However, this shouldn’t be the case, as it indicates that the woman’s body cannot cope with the added burden.

It has been discovered that 1 gram of embryonic tissue releases as many toxins as 100 grams of normal human tissue. Therefore, it’s easy to imagine the strain on a woman’s body. In medicine, it is officially recognized that pregnancy toxicosis is related to the kidneys’ inability to filter all the toxins released during pregnancy. The same applies to the liver.

If a woman develops active pimples during pregnancy, it indicates the presence of dormant streptococcus or staphylococcus infections, and that other excretory systems cannot handle the toxins, thus expelling them through the skin.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Before pregnancy, all genital tract infections must be addressed because viruses, bacteria, fungi, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus (herpes infection) can cause severe pathologies in the baby. They can also lead to spontaneous abortions and infertility, as the cervix walls become impermeable, preventing pregnancy.

These infections often go unnoticed, leading a woman to believe she is healthy and that everything is fine.

Fetal Hypoxia (Oxygen Deficiency)

Many pregnant women experience anemia or reduced hemoglobin levels, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. The presence of parasites in the body often causes this. Therefore, it is essential to undergo an antiparasitic program before pregnancy. Parasites are the ones that consume hemoglobin in erythrocytes, as they feed on it.

Oxygen deficiency significantly affects the fetus’s development, including the brain. We all inhale oxygen with air, but erythrocytes transport it in the blood to all our cells. Hemoglobin, an amino acid, binds to erythrocytes. If hemoglobin levels are low, oxygen transportation does not occur.

Why isn’t oxygen transported?

  • One reason is erythrocyte damage, caused by bacteria, fungi, and, as mentioned earlier, parasites.
  • Another reason is thick blood. This means that an erythrocyte (5 micrometers in diameter) cannot pass through the smallest capillaries (3 micrometers in diameter). Therefore, blood must be very fluid (85% of its content is liquid, 91% of which is water) for erythrocytes to flow freely through the capillaries and supply oxygen to tissues and remove carbon dioxide.

As a result, the mother’s blood cannot transport oxygen, causing the fetus to suffer from hypoxia. This can lead to premature birth, delayed fetal development, and damage to the fetal brain cells.

Therefore, it is essential to remove all toxins early on to thin the blood, allowing erythrocytes to move freely and deliver oxygen to tissues even before pregnancy, enabling the baby to grow and develop fully. Water is involved in all these processes, and without water, the body cannot be cleansed.

Intrauterine Infection

There is much discussion about intrauterine infections in newborns. This infection develops while the baby is still in the mother’s body. This diagnosis is frequently made, and treatment involves antibiotics from the first days of the baby’s life. Consequently, the baby’s immune system is completely destroyed from the first days.

We strongly recommend eliminating this infection before planning a pregnancy. For example, Pau d’Arco bark and ParaFight work on viruses, bacteria, and fungi. These products work exceptionally well without harming the immune system, providing the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. It is essential to undergo one course before planning a pregnancy.

Infertility Causes

Often, infections are the cause of infertility, ovarian, and uterine diseases in women. The presence of viruses in the body is also the cause of endometriosis.

Another common issue among women is fallopian tube adhesions or cysts. If the fallopian tube is blocked, it means that “something lives there“. In this case, the body must be cleansed, nourished, cleansed, nourished… Blocked fallopian tubes are nothing more than the result of infections – chlamydia, fungi, bacteria…

Yeast Infection

In the case of a yeast infection, Pau d’Arco bark should be used. Even during pregnancy, it can be used in small amounts, along with Super-Flora – live bacteria that act as antagonists, as everything is related to the digestive tract.

Nourishing the Body Before Pregnancy

After cleansing the body and creating a friendly environment for the baby, the next equally important step is nourishing the body.

The mother must be adequately nourished to ensure that the egg is healthy and complete and that the mother’s body can provide the developing fetus with nutrients.

infant feet The most important nutrients for a mother during the preparation stage are amino acids. Our exceptional amino acids, Protivity, should be mentioned here. Protivity contains all essential amino acids that enter the cells within 20 minutes. Healthy eggs also require fatty acids, which are needed to form a healthy cell membrane. Our sources of fatty acids are Omega 3TG and Lecithin. Amino acids and fatty acids are two things that are very necessary.

Pregnant women also need folic acid, which prevents nervous system pathologies.

To raise hemoglobin levels, an organic iron supplement is recommended.

It is also crucial that a pregnant woman has sufficient iodine, as iodine deficiency can lead to the improper development of the baby. In this case, Coral Kelp is a good option.

Vitamin E regulates hormonal balance, which is very important during pregnancy.

Finally, the state of the nervous system is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and for it to bring joy. The baby will also develop best when the mother’s nervous system is calm and balanced. For the nervous system, a natural antidepressant product, griffonia, can be chosen.

In conclusion, it is much more valuable to prepare for pregnancy and carry a healthy baby than to spend many years treating the child’s health issues.

Father’s Health

In family planning, the man’s health is just as important as the woman’s health, as both parents’ health impacts the child’s health and future development.

Several factors negatively affect health, including stress, excess weight, physical overexertion, magnetic radiation, occupational choices, diet, alcohol, smoking, and drugs.

Scientists have discovered that many health problems also affect men.
Some of them include:

  • Disorders in sperm development in the testicles.
  • Various obstacles to sperm reaching the urinary tract from the testicles.
  • Low sperm motility.

For example, statistics show that from 1989 to 2005, the sperm concentration in 17-year-olds decreased by 31%.

Men health It has been proven that sperm quality declines after 35 years of age. After 40 years, sperm may even have genetic defects, which can result in early pregnancy loss and genetic disorders in the newborn.

Men, just like women, need to think about their health in advance and address it before planning to grow their family. Therefore, it is incorrect to think that infertility and other issues are solely the woman’s problem. Men must also cleanse their bodies, undergo antiparasitic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal programs, and ensure all excretory organs are functioning properly. Of course, along the way, they should also nourish their bodies with complete cellular nutrition. In other words, they should do everything that women are advised to do!

Trimester Nutrition Plan

We encourage all expectant mothers to understand that what you provide to your baby while they are inside you will shape their entire future life and development.

First Trimester

  • Coral-Mine (biologically available water);
  • Folic acid (responsible for the development of the embryo’s nervous system) – 1×1 daily during meals. Folic acid is extremely important during the first trimester and is generally recommended to start taking six months before pregnancy. Folic acid is responsible for the development of the embryo’s nervous system;
  • Vitamin E (responsible for the endocrine system) – 1×1 daily before meals;
  • Omega 3TG (involved in the development of the baby’s brain) – 1×2 daily during meals;
  • Colostrum Plus (colostrum is a very potent source of immunoglobulin, which is necessary for all organ systems and immunity) – 1×1 daily during meals. Drink for 10 days, then take a 10-day break, and so on.

If you experience pregnancy toxemia in the first trimester, it means your excretory organs are not coping with their tasks and cannot remove all the toxins released by the embryo (plus the mother’s body). In this case, take one capsule of Alfalfa and Artichoke on an empty stomach and drink them as tea. Additionally, you can take H-500 (add it to Coral-Mine water). H-500 will help thin the blood, remove toxins, and alleviate nausea in expectant mothers.

Second Trimester

  • Coral-Mine
  • MSM (in the second trimester, the baby’s skeletal system begins to form, and sulfur plays a role in all these processes) – 2×2 daily during meals;
  • H-500 (acts on allergens and irritations) – 1×1 daily. In the morning, dissolve in warm coral water + one of the enzymes (Assimilator). This combination thins the blood so it can circulate fully and helps the enzymatic system by breaking down food;
  • Vitamin C (involved in hormone synthesis in the second trimester)
  • B vitamins (the baby’s nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels, begin to form)
  • Vitamin E (important to take together with B vitamins for their synthesis and absorption)
  • Spirulina and/or Alfalfa (spirulina as fiber feeds and supports live bacteria (lactobacillus and bifidobacteria). Alfalfa acts as a diuretic, supports excretory organs, helps prevent swelling, and aids in lactose production. Alfalfa can be taken during all three trimesters)
  • Colostrum Plus – 1×1 daily during meals. Drink for 10 days, then take a 10-day break, and so on.

Third Trimester

  • Coral-Mine
  • H-500 – 1×2 daily. In the morning, add it to warm coral water, and in the evening, take a capsule before bed. This helps the body recover during the night.
  • Calci-Prime 2×2 (organic calcium)
  • Spirulina 2×2 (3×2) daily. If the mother is anemic, she can safely take up to 10-15 tablets daily.
  • Lecithin 2×2 (3×2) daily.

Additional supplements:

  • Artichoke or FanDetox for the liver
  • Alfalfa for the kidneys

These additional products can be taken if there wasn’t enough time to cleanse the body before pregnancy or simply to support and help all excretory systems remove excess waste from the body. Additionally, it is important to maintain a healthy diet.

Postpartum Period

After childbirth, a woman needs to recover strongly to prevent tooth loss, hair loss, and other issues. Therefore, nutrition is crucial.

After childbirth, you can continue with the third trimester program, but Spirulina can be replaced with Protivity.

Alternative postpartum recovery program:

  • Coral-Mine
  • Amino acids – Spirulina (contains 15 amino acids), Chlorella, or Protivity (contains all 7 essential amino acids from which all others are synthesized)
  • Fatty acids – Lecithin in large doses, at least 2×3 daily, or Omega 3TG
  • Vitamin complex – Ultimate
  • Enzymes (Assimilator) will help with food digestion, excretory channels, and body detoxification
  • Artichoke and Alfalfa can also be continued to fully restore kidney and liver function.


Even if you are reading this article late, after giving birth, it is still possible to cleanse and support all babies. Children undergo cleansing and recovery processes much faster compared to adults.

Despite the programs presented in this article, we still recommend that everyone individually consult their personal consultant (nutritionist), who can help tailor the necessary programs to your specific situation and needs. We are all unique, so an individual approach is necessary for each person. If you don’t yet have your personal consultant, you will find information below on how to get one.

How to buy a products?

Product purchase is possible with a 20% discount.

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  1. Clicking this link, you confirm your desire to join Coral Club in Sanita Kozlakovska’s structure, who becomes your consultant/sponsor;
  2. By clicking on this link, you confirm your desire to receive information about the company’s products, the concept of health of its application and the principles of the company’s work in English.

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After registration, you will receive a customer number, which you can use to get a 20% discount (for an unlimited period of time) on all products when shopping in one of the Coral Club stores or online.

If you would like advice on the purchase or use of the products, please contact one of the health advisors.



  • Naturopath and health consultant with over 3 years of experience. Providing consultations in Latvian and English.

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